пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

airport seattle seattle

So today was like. I dunno. Not good. And weird and i dunno. So i get off the bus and i wiped me hand on my pants and then i realize something was on me and i had just rubbed it all over my pants. Then i looked on my clarinet case, and thatapos;s where wherever it was came from. I think it was dog puke. It was so gross. So after that lovely start to my day i had to go to band. Ew. And then after lunch i had math which i hateeeee. I did not wanna go at all. I started like falling asleep i was so tired. Then i went to chemistry. And we had to redo part of a lab. But my partner messed up and we had to do it over againnnn. Then we thought it was right. And we found out she screwed up on the whole thing again, so now next time we have to do the whole lab alll over again. So thats how my lovely school day ended. Now i have to go to work till 10:30. Ughhhhh its gonna be hell. And so nick. That i talked about in the last post, decided to randomly call me again. This was our lovely conversation...
nick "hello"
me: heyy
him:hey i was just wondering if youapos;d be able to make it to my birthday party on october 25th
me" um yea what time is it at?
nick" 12:30 to 5.
me: ok uh yea i think i can go.
him: ok i was just makin sure.
me" ok
him: ok, bye
me" bye
yes what a lovely in depth conversation it was lol. UGH i donapos;t get him. If heapos;s been not talking to me at school lately and stuff and hasnapos;t called or asked to hang out since summer, why does he randomly decide to call and invite me to his birthday party?
does that mean hes still thinking about me?
does it mean he still wants to be my friend?
does it mean he misses me???? urggg i donapos;t get it.
<3333333 megZ
airport seattle seattle, airport seattle service, airport seattle service shuttle.

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